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Threat Intelligence

We publish 5M+ malicious IP addresses daily in our IP Threat Intelligence database. We also track Tor nodes and open proxies.

  "isTor": false,
  "isVpn": true,
  "isProxy": false,
  "isBogon": false,
  "isAbuser": true,
  "isDataCenter": false
isToris true if the IP address is associated with a node on the Tor network
isVpnis true for VPN IP addresses. There are approx. 2.6M IP addresses updated daily. This is available to Business and Enterprise users only.
isProxyis true if the IP address is a known proxy, includes HTTP/HTTPS/SSL/SOCKS/CONNECT and transparent proxies
isBogonis true for if an IP address is a bogon.
isAbuseris true if the IP address is a known source of abuse i.e. spam, harvesters, registration bots and other nuisance bots etc
isDataCenteris true for any IP addresses that belong to a datacenter including all cloud providers. Can be useful for detecting automated/bot traffic.